The Stepping Stones Lead to the Milestones

We’ve all heard the expression, “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”

We’ve also heard, “You don’t eat an apple by shoving the whole thing down your throat. You eat it one bite at a time.”

No matter what the goal you choose to pursue, it’s important to accept that it’s not going to happen overnight and plan to move one step at a time. The stepping stones will lead to the milestones.

Patience. I’m not good at it generally. When I make up my mind to do something, I want to get it done. As I have worked through accomplishing some of my most important goals, i.e., starting my own business, going back to get certified in coaching, losing weight, even building my family, I learned quickly to truly take “one step at a time”.

Yes, I know it’s easier said than done, and before this turn into a bunch of clichés, let’s get to how to manage this. I’m not giving a specific story here to illustrate what I mean because I think it’s more important for you to assign your story to what I have found to be universal themes. So as you go through these points, take the time to put your goal into the concept, then think of how you are going to master each one as you move forward in your pursuits.

1.)    Acceptance is key. After the goal is determined, a plan is formulated for daily action steps, that’s it. You let go of the thoughts that have you “wishing”, “pushing”, and quite honestly wasting time. These thoughts are very distracting and if too much time is wasted, the action steps will not get done. Accept that the only way to the goal is to focus on completing the daily action steps, and do them.

2.)    Stick to the plan. It’s tempting sometimes to think, when things aren’t happening fast enough, that there needs to be a change in the plan. It’s important to realize, especially if the plan was well thought out, that consistency is important to achieving long lasting results. Consistency creates habits, habits create momentum, and momentum is what pushes you closer to your success.

3.)    At times there will be set backs. Plan for them. There is nothing more disappointing than having a deal that you worked for months on fall through, gaining a pound when you thought for sure you were going to lose, a delay created by someone else that you can’t control, keeps you from accomplishing your tasks. It’s going to happen. You are not a failure! The difference between these types of setbacks and setbacks that are self-created is the word CONTROL. You can control what you put in your mouth, you can’t control another person’s decisions all the time.

4.)    Understand the difference between a CHOICE and a setback. There will be times that you decide that you don’t want to do what you are supposed to do. This is also to be expected in the process. NO ONE wakes up every day, all day, on their A-game. If you choose to not do what you are supposed to do, then at least OWN the choice. That is not a set-back that is out of your control, you chose it. If you are being consistent, sticking to your plan and creating habits, you will find that these choices become fewer and far between. That’s another reason that you want to take steady, planned steps. There is less chance that you will find yourself tempted and making unsuccessful choices.

5.)    Stop beating yourself up. Again, this falls back into the same time waster as we talked about in point #1. Beating yourself up, worrying if you will reach your goal, repeating the mistake in your head, doesn’t accomplish anything. Reliving the bad choice just keeps you distracted and off task. Do not play the victim. Do not run to everyone around you dramatically talking about how you are never going to reach your goals. Most definitely DO NOT start questioning whether the goal is achievable. These are the times people may choose to QUIT. Don’t get stuck here. Take accountability for whatever it was that you could have controlled. Spend some time figuring out what you learned, but then put the lesson down as one of those things you aren’t going to repeat. Then get yourself back on track with the daily tasks to success.

One of the saddest things that I see with those that I coach, is those who use excuses to try and talk themselves out of doing what they need to when it gets hard, or when it doesn’t go their way. If you give up losing 30 pounds because you ate one cookie, let it go! Just pick up where you left off. No one who has ever pursued anything worthwhile has ever had immediate success, with no challenges, and no disappointing, doubting moments. Recognize that these moments come from FEAR or being stretched, but we’ll talk about that in a later chapter. Just know that you need to get passed them as quickly as possible.

For now, let’s sum it all up this way, start to prepare your minds for your journey toward success and put at the forefront of your thoughts what it’s going to look like when you reach your goal.

How are you going to feel?

What will you look like?

What will you be able to do?

Who will you take a long for the ride?

Live from these thoughts and then take the daily steps! Make good choices and control what you can to get what you need to do accomplished.

The stepping stones will lead you to the milestones!

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