What And Why You Need To Know To Be Happy In 2009 And Beyond!!

     Well, here we are…Most people have tagged this day as the day to kick into their New Year’s Resolutions—Revolutions as I call them. But there is something absolutely critical that one must have a grip on if they TRULY want to succeed, reach their goals and create the life they want to live…And that critical thing is simple…it’s one word…You can not and will not be successful at any resolution whether it’s losing weight, finding the love of your life, start a business or so many others we have on our lists if you do not know YOU!! Yep that’s it—YOU!!
     See years ago, I had a lot of failed relationships, I was overweight, I had a lot of bad habits, including smoking and binge eating. I was in a career I never really wanted, anything I attempted, I failed…until one day when someone asked me the question, “WHAT DO YOU WANT?”…it took me back and I started spewing out the usual responses…I want to be a size 2, healthy, with a great relationship with my spouse and I want to make more money. THEN I will be happy…or so I thought!

      Every year I would make NY’s resolutions and every year I would fail! The stress of being inauthentic (not who I really was), the pressure of trying to do what everyone else told me I should be doing, was the perfect gasoline on the fire to inevitably lead me to failure.

     Then something happened…My mom died 9 years ago…very suddenly…and in the  three days of her funeral, it felt as if someone had dropped a coconut on my head! And I decided that I was going to figure out how to truly BE HAPPY!
It didn’t happen overnight…it’s been a LONG journey.  It’s been a 9 year quest…and I’m happy to say I hope it lasts another 40 years or so.  Because I’m worth it…and ya know what…so are YOU!!!  
       Now you may be asking…what do I need to know. Well, what you need to know is…WHO ARE YOU? What makes you tick? What do you like? Do you really want to lose weight or are you really comfortable where you are? Do you want to be loved for who you are? Treated as you truly deserve? WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANT?

     And what are the CONSEQUENCES…GOSH we hate that word don’t we??  What are the consequences if you don’t lose the weight?  Poor health?  Not being able to do the things you want to do?  What are the consequences of not establishing a loving relationship?  Divorce?  Being alone?  What happens if you don’t make the money you really deserve?  Kids will have to have thousands of dollars of school loans??  What are the consequenses for YOU in not achieving your goals?
     Now, most people hit the ground running this morning with a list of things they were going to change…with not really knowing WHY and WITHOUT A PLAN. I’d like to suggest that you take the next week or two and first of all do the following:


     If you want to lose weight to impress someone else…STOP NOW…If you think by losing weight someone is going to love you…STOP NOW…If you think that you have to have a lot of money for someone to love you…STOP NOW!! If you are doing any of these things for someone else…you will fail.     

     So first things first….

  • YOU HAVE TO GO FIRST AND SIT DOWN WITH YOUR HIGHER POWER AND YOURSELF AND FIND OUT WHAT YOU WANT. You have to be willing to go in and go deep!!  Achieving your goals won’t mean anything unless you know what “ANYTHING” means to you. 

     You were born completely equipped to live the life you want…unfortunately our outsides grow at a different rate than our insides. And when the insides decide that it’s time to catch up…it’s painful. That’s why if you rely on the Divine; create a relationship with the Divine, who did after all CREATE YOU…then you can start to figure out what you want. I will warn you…God is very hard to hear sometimes and he doesn’t get back to you right away. Learn to develop that relationship with patience so that YOU CAN HEAR HIM.

  • Next…start journaling. ESTABLISH WHERE YOU ARE CURRENTLY AT. You can’t go somewhere new if you don’t know wher you are. Maybe you need a medical exam before you start a weight loss plan, smoking cessation program.  Maybe you need to see if your relationship can be saved or get out of one relationship before you start another.  How much more money do you want to make? 
  • Then  journal AN ATTITUDE EVALUATION…are you an optimist, pessimist, procrastinator, doubter, believer, thinker, take action kind of person…all or nothing kind of person?  Not what you have been told to be…WHAT YOU ARE…don’t deny who you are.
  • WHAT ARE YOUR CORE BELIEFS? What are your ideals about the way you want to live? WHY HAVEN”T YOU BEEN LIVING THEM THIS FAR IN YOUR LIFE? This one is important!
  • What are your feelings about money, food, relationships, people?? Right them down!
  • What’s YOUR STYLE?  Running or Yoga?  Super Model or Salt of the Earth?  Six Figures or $50K???  Determining your style will determine your approach and help you create a realistic plan!! Give yourself the best shot at success…don’t design a plan for someone else.
  • And that’s the last step…CREATE A PLAN!   A PLAN that is designed for YOU, one that YOU are authentic in…a plan that YOU CAN and will succeed in–


     Your own expectations will be key…BE REALISTIC…don’t give yourself such a huge hurdle to jump over that you are going to burn out. It takes 21 days to form a habit so create babysteps for yourself. Give yourself credit for reaching those babysteps—REWARD YOURSELF— and remember stepping stones lead to the milestones.

     Most importantly…START WHEN YOU ARE READY!!  Having deadlines can be helpful if you are the kind of person who needs them so you begin taking action, but be REAL!!  Today could be the start of accepting yourself for who you are and maybe it isn’t..IT’S YOUR CHOICE…it’s going to take a lot of time and you have to be ready to begin your journey…remember it’s not a SPRINT it’s a MARATHON! 

   Take sometime to KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND WHY…give yourself all the time you DESERVE…”To Create The Life You Can’t Wait To Live”!

SO…Tell me your thoughts!  How can we help each other in this blog??  Add what you have found has worked for you and any “SereneInsights” you want to share!

Pam Glowski is a personal/business coach…if you would like to learn more about her go to www.sereneinsights.com or contact her directly at pam@sereneinsights.com

Don’t miss Pam’s RADIO SHOW…”SereneInsights”…THIS WEDNESDAY!! 

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