Near-Sighted, Far-Sighted…A Little of Both?

Great big eye.

When it comes to “VISION”, are you Near-sighted? Far-Sighted? Or a little of both?

I recently went for my annual eye exam and after the doctor put me through the usual tests, he told me that I would have to have a prescription to improve my vision in order to see distances far in front of me. He also told me I was going to have to wear reading glasses with my corrective lenses to see close.

If I have my distance correcting lenses off, I don’t need the reading glasses.  I can see just fine up close. So, when it comes to my eyesight I’m a little bit of both. I’m  Far-Sighted and Near-Sighted; sometimes requiring a little help to get the whole picture.

Keep this concept in mind as you think about what type of “VISIONARY” you are. Are you the kind of person who comes up with great ideas? You always have in mind a new business opportunity, a new invention, or you are the person who can “paint a picture” of what could be for many around you?

I’ve been fortunate to work with some of the greatest “VISIONARIES” around and they have taught me and helped me improve my ability to create my own DREAMS.  Some of them I still go to when I am shaping up an idea or creating new programs. The true visionaries in my life are kind of my corrective lenses, if you will.

My “VISIONARY” friends are people who can just naturally SEE the big picture and can describe the end result so well that you can’t help but want to be a part of their “dream”. These are the people who are gifted with long-range sight, and usually “SEE” things before others have even imagined them; or CAN imagine them. These are the Steve Jobs, the Tony Robbins, and the Thomas Edison’s of the world.

Far-sighted people can have the ability to accomplish the whole goal on their own or they know when to put others around them who have the skills, talents and abilities to do what they can’t do. They don’t let their limits hold them back. If they can’t do it, they will find those who can to make it happen. Visionaries are a lot of fun to be around, for those who are only Near-Sighted. Now I’m not saying it’s always easy to follow a visionary, because as the goal is worked toward, sometimes the vision changes, or there need to be tweaks, which means there have to be adjustments made by those who are working with them.

Near-Sighted people are those who can take the visionary’s “idea”, that they might not have had on their own and figure out how to make the “dream” a reality.  Maybe they just  BELIEVE in the person whole-heartedly and work along side of the VISIONARY until they can see it. One way or the other, Near-Sighted people tend to have an affinity for the ultimate goal because of an interest or goal of their own.  These are the Engineers, the Programmers,  the Marketers of the world.

I love watching HGTV. I especially love shows where they take an old run down house and make it BEAUTIFUL! In many episodes you will see the potential owners and the designers walking through the property, surveying the current condition of the home. This is the near-sighted part. It’s right in front of them and they can see exactly what it is; the good and the bad. In most episodes you will hear the designer describe the “VISION” for what they believe the house will look like after a renovation. In most episodes you will also hear the potential buyers say, “I just can’t see it!”

The buyer purchases it trusting the VISION of the designer. They BELIEVE in the designer. The designer then hires the right team of contractors to come in and complete the job. The contractors buy into the vision of the designer because they believe in what they will be able to create and fulfill someone’s wish for their “DREAM HOME”. Even if the designer created the “DREAM”. See what I mean?

So, as you envision your goals and dreams, are you NEAR-SIGHTED, FAR-SIGHTED, or a little of both?

If you are a VISIONARY or FAR-SIGHTED, have you surrounded yourself with the right tools to achieve your goal? The right people to help you achieve your goal?  Remember…VISIONARIES accomplish things. They take their ideas and make then REALITY. Those who don’t bring their vision to life are just DREAMERS.

If you are Near-Sighted, have you found great visionaries to put in front of you so that you can fulfill your goals through your work and affinities? If you are passionate about Medicine, Sales, Sports, Engineering, Non-Profit Organizations, have you found the right companies or groups to be a part of that allow you to live a happy and fulfilling life contributing to a vision that brings meaning to others as well as yourself? If not, find a place that DOES.

If you are a little of BOTH, do you know when to get help or “CORRECTIVE LENSES” in order to achieve your goals? Being limited is not an excuse for not making the goal happen.

I believe that “DREAMS” are planted in the minds of many for the betterment of all, so if you have the opportunity to have an impact in bringing one to life, either from a


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