“Things Have Got to CHANGE…”

A few weeks ago, I was visiting with a long time friend and we started chatting about general life things; how the kids were doing, how our spouses were doing, and what we had been doing for fun lately.  Then, we got on the topic of careers. My friend bowed her head down a bit and she said quietly, “Let me be honest, things are terrible at work; things have got to change.”

I think we all logically realize that if we can count on one thing, it’s things ARE going to CHANGE. For some people, when they hear the word “change”, the assumption is that change is bad; it makes the hair on the back of their neck stand straight up! There is a perceived notion that there will have to be something lost or an element of suffering if there is a change made in the daily routine of their lives. They avoid it at all cost. It is true some changes are negative. There are times that we are thrust into them, against our will, but in most cases, WE DO HAVE THE POWER TO INFLUENCE THE OUTCOME.

As my friend had continued in our conversation she made several good observations as to why things were not good at work for her anymore. They were legitimate reasons, not reasons that were emotional, being justified by logic (that’s a blog for another day). So I asked her, “What are you going to do about it?  What is your plan to get to a job that is more suited for you?”.

Her first response was that she was going to wait it out to see if things were going to improve. Now this is one of the scariest approaches to an obvious impending change. I call this the “Default Approach”. The “Default Approach” grows out of fear and leaves the outcome to chance. By taking the “we’ll see what happens” attitude, one gives up their personal power in the situation. By placing the outcome in the hands of others, one ALWAYS runs the risk that things will not turn out for the best for THEM. It will turn out better for the ones who actually make the decisions for them.

In her situation, if she is let go, before she finds another job that is a great fit for her, she may take a job (out of desperation) that is another wrong fit; potentially creating another problem…not a solution! Being without a job is not an option for my friend, so putting her back against the wall is not fertile ground for solid decisions.

In most cases, if we opt for the “Proactive Approach”, we can influence the outcome of a change. If we look at the change as an opportunity for a POSITIVE outcome, and choose our attitudes, behaviors and actions, centered around a beneficial result, chances are, that’s what will be. If we adopt a fearless expectation, even though it may be a bit uncomfortable at the time, the eventual outcome will most likely be positive.

After I was able to spend some coaching time with her, my friend opted for the Proactive Approach. Turns out, in the initial job searches she did, she came across what would be an IDEAL career for her and her family based on her experience and her overall career goals. If she would have waited, she may have missed out!

     What situations are you finding yourself in that you know,

“Things have got to change…”?




If you would like more info on my Coaching or Pamela Glowski Coaching & Consulting, please contact me via email at pamela@sereneinsightscoaching.com

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